Tuesday, October 6, 2009

..............Laundry room done!

Be sure to click on the pictures to enlarge them so you can see the detail in that tile, its amazing.

My laundry room/office is finally done.  I have been in there for the last few days organizing and today I actually used it...finally.  Shelly was the hard surfaces expert and got me the granite and beautiful Sonoma Tile piece at a great discount, evidently there is a flaw somewhere which I have yet to find, but the $ was right.  This is what I would have in my kitchen if I could.  We took a wall down into a storage room and it really opened the space up for my new office.....and outside the window we planted my favorite tree the Cedar Deodara.

Did you see the beautiful sunrise this a.m......oh what a beautiful fall we are having!


  1. Kathy, I keep meaning to tell you the name of the place my friend got her door hardware! It's Chowns (sp?) in Bellevue! Good luck!

  2. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful laundry room!!! Wow!

  3. My goodness, that's a laundry room...I mean office. Well done ~olive

  4. All I want to know is... does that sweet baby come with it? So cute!!
    You did a wonderful job on your remodel. I would give anything for my own little office area. As soon as we can recuperate from the last remodel on our home (kitchen, floors, ceilings) then I'm sure we'll tackle the carport and make it into our "oficina".
    Good job!!
    Ladybug Creek
